Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon beats extradition again

A Montenegro court has upheld an extradition appeal from Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon, vetoing a prior ruling it called “incomprehensible.”
A Montenegro court has upheld an extradition appeal from Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon, vetoing a prior ruling it called “incomprehensible.”
COPA filed a lawsuit against Wright on February 5 alleging that many of the documents he’s submitted are intentional forgeries.
Spanish authorities will be able to seize crypto assets when executing taxpayer debts when reforms to the country’s tax laws come into force.
In the wake of McCormack’s win, Jack Dorsey’s COPA is up next with hearings in three cases due to open in February.
Joe Lewis, who owned football club Tottenham Hotspur, was charged with offenses including securities fraud and making false statements.