No, Monero’s privacy didn’t suddenly break in this viral video

Cointelegraph published an article about a supposed privacy vulnerability in Monero transactions. Turns out, nothing new happened.
Cointelegraph published an article about a supposed privacy vulnerability in Monero transactions. Turns out, nothing new happened.
The Finnish hacker responsible for blackmailing 30,000 psychotherapy patients for more than $500,000 in bitcoin was jailed for six years.
Investigators in Finland say it was “very likely” that someone illegally sent XMR to Binance in a series of transactions involving a crime.
The attack could damage the reputation of Zcash in the eyes of users who prioritize security, reliability, and antifragility.
Jareh Sebastian Dalke tried to sell ‘top secret’ files to a mystery government, thought to be Russia after he accessed a Russian TOR site.