Listen to Romp in the desert, episode 4 of Innovated: Blockchain City

Romp in the desert, the fourth episode of our new podcast series, is out now.

Innovated: Blockchain City investigates the intricate tax scheme realized by Jeffrey Berns, chief exec of Blockchains LLC, in the Nevada desert.

Journalist Cas Piancey and data scientist Bennett Tomlin have been researching the startup for months. Countless phone calls and emails later, they still haven’t heard back from anyone at Blockchains LLC or the Nevada Legislature.

What started as a fun side project quickly snowballed into an untold story.

In Romp in the desert, Cas and Bennett take a trip to the high-desert to see what they can learn about the Blockchain City with boots on the ground.In this episode, Sam Toll, a local Storey County journalist, attempts to explain the twists and turns involved with the creation of Innovation Zones and why utopias aren’t always as simple to create as people think they’ll be.

Listen now on SpotifyApple Podcasts, and more.Enjoyed Romp in the desert? These episodes are also available:

The final segment of this podcast series is available March 16. Don’t forget to follow Innovated: Blockchain City wherever you choose to listen.

More about Romp in the desert

In 2018, Blockchains LLC chief exec Jeffrey Berns purchased 67,000 acres of land in the Nevada desert. Plans to create a fully autonomous Blockchain City were never realized.

After it swiftly fell out of public discourse, we began to wonder… how much of the story was never reported? Journalist Cas Piancey and data scientist Bennett Tomlin drive down to Nevada and investigate.

Romp in the desert is the fourth of five episodes in the new podcast series Innovated: Blockchain City.

The official trailer for Innovated: Blockchain City.

If you’re looking for more like Cryptopia, listen to Cas and Bennett’s other podcast, Crypto Critics’ Corner.

Follow Cas and Bennett on Twitter, and Protos for informed crypto news.

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