This Twitter account documents Bitcoin eating the world

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A Twitter account tracking Bitcoin’s evolution has gained more than 60,000 followers since December — including the platform’s founding Deku Tree, Jack Dorsey.

Documenting Bitcoin shares milestones of Bitcoin’s past and present, quantifying world events with the cryptocurrency’s price.

Mostly, the tweets show off neat statistics about Bitcoin’s market value, but others are tinged with just enough historical perspective to keep it suspiciously high-brow.

On an internet filled with gibberish and paranoia, Documenting Bitcoin is a welcome change.

Whoever runs the account does their homework, and seems genuinely excited to share what they find.

[Read more: Estonia first country to host Bitcoin whitepaper on government domain]

Documenting Bitcoin so far doesn’t seem interested in monetizing their following — unlike the commercialized official/unofficial @Bitcoin handle, which itself has a rich history filled with drama.

As for who is behind the account, the owner told Protos they’re just a “Bitcoin fan” as opposed to an industry insider.

Seems better that way.

We agree.

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