Christie’s pegged a Beeple NFT at $200 — but bidders say over $2M

A green dollar bill to show Beeple is raking in millions with NFTs.
Sudowoodo /

Crypto-art lord Beeple has garnered a $2.4 million bid for his first NFT hosted by Christie’s.

That’s way up from the $100 starting bid Christie’s set for Beeple’s Everydays: The First 5000 Days — a collage of the artist’s daily artworks from the past 13 years.

In fact, it took prospective buyers just one day to push Everydays… over $2 million, with Christie’s recording 121 separate bids.

A screenshot of Christie's auction for Beeple's new NFT.
Looks like Christie’s lowballed that estimate.

The thing is, nobody really knows how high this ride can go. Christie’s opened bidding at a cool hundred, while the site humorously estimates the piece could be worth between $100 and $200.

Meanwhile, Beeple (real name Mike Winkelmann) is doing their best to explain how NFTs work and their cultural significance to mainstream media like CNBC.

But with 13 more days left to go, the enormity of the bids so far has pundits wondering if a top for NFTs even exists.

[Read more: Bitcoin visionary Hal Finney ‘predicted’ booming NFT market — in 1993]

After all, Beeple made $3.5 million in December over one weekend by minting and selling his NFTs.

Not to mention, a Beeple NFT for a defeated Donald Trump just re-sold for $6.6 million on the secondary market.

In any case, speculators, onlookers, and non-believers alike are no doubt wondering: is Beeple the bubble, or the pin?

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