The Weekend Shift: Prague, Getaways, Philosophy

Cover image of the Protos Weekly podcast.

Welcome to the 36th Weekend Shift!

What’s the deal? Over the weekend, we’ll update this post with some of the most interesting articles, podcasts, charts, and opinion pieces we’re too busy to write about.

OK, only crypto? Not necessarily. We do that Monday to Friday, so we try to explore new subjects on weekends.

Feel free to join in and submit entries on Twitter. Any topic is fair game.

Saturday — 18 September

3 years ago
ICYMIEnjoyed this EP? Tell a friend and follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
3 years ago
Powerful angle.
3 years ago
Parenting 2.0
3 years ago
Worth visiting.
3 years ago
Looks like a perfect getaway.
3 years ago
The final blow.
3 years ago
Spot on.
3 years ago
Ready, Tready, go!
3 years ago
Ben Yaub delivers yet again.
3 years ago
Say Hola! to the Spanish Nazi hunters.
3 years ago
Good luck.
3 years ago
Brace for (electric) impact.
3 years ago
Our latest OP-ED here.
3 years ago
It’s the Norm!
3 years ago
Album of the week.

Sunday — 19 September

3 years ago
Pub trivia, the happiness edition.
3 years ago
Comedy wildlife for life.
3 years ago
Another one for Norm.
3 years ago
Some great suggestions.
3 years ago
Absolute (gardening) beginners.
3 years ago
New York is back?
3 years ago
What a view!
3 years ago
An epic Spotify playlist.
3 years ago
The caption says it all.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Like a a meeting out of a John le Carré novel.
3 years ago
One for the UK readers.
3 years ago
The simple pleasures.
3 years ago
Get your tastebuds singing.

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