The Weekend Shift: Bats, Electric Vehicles, Robot Dogs

Cover image of the Protos Weekly podcast.

Welcome to the 48th Weekend Shift!

What’s the deal? Over the weekend, we’ll update this post with some of the most interesting articles, podcasts, charts, and opinion pieces we’re too busy to write about.

OK, only crypto? Not necessarily. We do that Monday to Friday, so we try to explore new subjects on weekends.

Feel free to join in and submit entries on Twitter. Any topic is fair game.

Saturday — 18 December

3 years ago
ICYMIEnjoyed this EP? Tell a friend and follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
3 years ago
Nicolas Cage. That’s it.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Strong start to 2022.
3 years ago
Tackling the world’s most menacing waters.
3 years ago
3 years ago
The weird side of pop music.
3 years ago
You game?
3 years ago
Is it really dead?
3 years ago
Xi world order.
3 years ago
Yeah, that’s big.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Win some, lose some.
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Album of the week.

Sunday — 19 December

3 years ago
Phenomenal cult.
3 years ago
Caligula of painting FTW.
3 years ago
Tips and tricks.
3 years ago
2021 was something and then more.
3 years ago
Those were the great ones.
3 years ago
You don’t say.
3 years ago
Pretty neat.
3 years ago
God mode.
3 years ago
Meditation mode on.
3 years ago
Bernie wins.
3 years ago
This week’s business read.
3 years ago
11 stories to enjoy.
3 years ago
Trying to start a new career in crime?
3 years ago
Binge on.
3 years ago
The shrinking theatre window.

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