Cop tried to invest in bitcoin but ended up funding $100k scam

A Singaporean man conned a police officer into investing $17,000 in bitcoin but instead used the money to fund a currency exchange scam.
A Singaporean man conned a police officer into investing $17,000 in bitcoin but instead used the money to fund a currency exchange scam.
Authorities are looking for $22 million invested into Utah businesses by alleged cryptocurrency scam BitClub Network.
The man tried to use bitcoin to hire a fake hitman after a witch’s curse he bought online failed to win the heart of his would-be lover.
BitBoy Crypto took undisclosed payments for promoting ICOs and scams on YouTube with research showing most of the tokens tanked.
In 2021, grandparent scams accounted for $6.5 million in losses with senior citizens tricked into believing a family member was in need.