This website ranks doxxed Celsius users by how much they lost

A website has launched that claims to rank every doxxed Celsius user by the amount of money they lost after the crypto lender went bankrupt. told Protos that the leaderboard features more than 600,000 out-of-pocket customers. Records detail their full names alongside the types of crypto they held and precisely how much of each was left locked on the platform when it shuttered in June this year.
Curious browsers can search for the unfortunate former users by their name or choose to have them presented individually at random.
According to the website, the amounts lost vary massively with the biggest loser forfeiting more than $40 million — $39 million worth of bitcoin, and $46 in Celsius’s native token, CEL. Other users lost just a few cents while, collectively, the top 10 users are out somewhere in the region of $220 million.
According to the site, it plans to add more records to the database today.

Read more: Celsius promotes radical transparency, doxxes every user
Celsius accidentally doxxed all of its users
The leaderboard stems from a court filing last week that contained over 14,500 pages of doxxable Celsius user details. The company attempted to prevent the names of its users being published, but a judge ruled only to redact user email and home addresses.
On top of this, the documents revealed how Celsius executives were able to withdraw millions from their accounts prior to the lender going bankrupt. The court documents have since been removed from the Internet Archive.
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