Craig Wright files lawsuit against BTC Core and Square without barrister

Craig Wright appears to be acting as his own legal representation in a newly filed lawsuit against Bitcoin Core and Jack Dorsey’s Square.

As pointed out by Bitmex Research, a UK High Court case tracker shows that Wright filed the lawsuit on October 10 as a ‘litigant in person.’ This would indicate that he is likely filing the lawsuit himself without representation from a solicitor or barrister.

Read more: Did Craig Wright file his latest COPA appeal from China?

While the lawsuit specifically names Bitcoin Core — the software used to distribute bitcoin — and Square Up Europe Ltd. — Jack Dorsey’s payment firm best-known for its contactless card readers — the case tracker doesn’t specify the purpose of the lawsuit.

Wright posted today on X (formerly Twitter) about a lawsuit and legal threat in relation to MicroStrategy, but it’s unclear if this is related to the filing.

The Australian computer scientist is attempting to file three legal appeals in the UK. However, each of them is still waiting for approval. Two of these are directed against the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) and one is aimed at Peter McCormack.

COPA’s legal representation, Bird & Bird, previously told Protos that it is “confident that there is no proper basis for the appeal.”

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