Gab’s QAnon groups are ironically overrun with Trumpcoins

Self-styled ‘free speech’ platform Gab is fighting battles on multiple fronts — but none quite so ironic as its war against ‘Trumpcoin’ spammers.

Right now, Gab groups catering to QAnon conspiracy theorists are overrun with links directing users to dodgy web shops supposedly selling physical Trump coins.

Gab users have reported the Trumpcoin spam is rendering groups practically unusable

In both gold and silver, Trumpcoins are marketed as a “symbol of President Trump’s victory and success.”

Over the weekend, the platform’s devs addressed the problem in a now-deleted tweet: “We are aware of the ‘trump coin’ spammers. Engineering and moderation teams are working to remove and stop it.”

However at press time, groups are still flooded with Trumpcoin links to sites like, which has been wedging Trumpcoin press releases into the Associated Press’ feed in recent months.

Similar to Twitter’s Elon Musk fraudsters, Gab’s pose as popular figures from Trump’s inner circle like Ben Carson, Jeanine Pirro, and Tomi Lohren.

As your cybersecurity advisor, we say: Please don’t give this site your credit card details.

Curiously, Gab’s Trumpcoin spammers don’t accept crypto directly. Instead, they say they take ‘secure’ payment via credit card, PayPal, and Shopify — but we strongly advise against giving any information to sites like these.

But if you ignore that Trumpcoin is physical instead of a cryptocurrency, Gab’s problem with coin spammers runs almost perpendicular to Twitter’s history with Bitcoin-hungry Elon Musk impersonators.

For years, fraudsters have fooled Twitter users with half-baked promises to double crypto sent to malicious addresses. Researchers estimated last year that Bitcoin holders have lost more than $2 million to the scam.

[Read more: Bitcoin scammers net $580K in a week via Musk tweets]

Protos has reached out to Gab for a status report on the situation, and we’ll update this piece should we hear back.

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