The Weekend Shift: Climate Crisis, Range Rovers, Exoplanets

Cover image of the Protos Weekend Shift

Welcome to the 42nd Weekend Shift!

What’s the deal? Over the weekend, we’ll update this post with some of the most interesting articles, podcasts, charts, and opinion pieces we’re too busy to write about.

OK, only crypto? Not necessarily. We do that Monday to Friday, so we try to explore new subjects on weekends.

Feel free to join in and submit entries on Twitter. Any topic is fair game.

Saturday — 30 October

3 years ago
ICYMIEnjoyed this EP? Tell a friend and follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
3 years ago
Seeing is believing, obviously.
3 years ago
Looking great.
3 years ago
You don’t say.
3 years ago
The best way it could.
3 years ago
Fill the donor void.
3 years ago
Worth visiting.
3 years ago
28 million light-years away.
3 years ago
How do we make sex more sustainable.
3 years ago
We are still getting to know him.
3 years ago
A formidable result.
3 years ago
The first new, redesigned Range Rover in a decade.
3 years ago
Underrated hits only.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Album of the week.

Sunday — 31 October

3 years ago
Never gets old.
3 years ago
Responsibly… most of the times.
3 years ago
Weekend reading sorted.
3 years ago
No real winners and a multitude of losers.
3 years ago
Mayhem is about to begin.
3 years ago
Truth be told, Jurassic style.
3 years ago
Meme gold, as usual.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Is he ready for the job?
3 years ago
Off-grid traveling.
3 years ago
Top of the top.
3 years ago
Getting more than they bargained for.
3 years ago
Turns 10, appears on all streaming platforms.

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