Apple job ad hints Bitcoin could finally come to its Wallet app

Apple could finally be gearing up to bring Crypto payments to its Wallets app, according to a job listing posted on the California tech titan’s website this week.

Apple could finally be gearing up to bring crypto to its Wallet app, according to a job advert posted this week.

The Cupertino tech titan is on the hunt for a business development manager for “alternative payments.”

While the ad (first flagged by CoinDesk) doesn’t explicitly say what the role will focus on, the dots are there to be joined.

The new hire will:

  • Be a proven professional in alternative and emerging payment solutions.
  • Have five years’ experience in “alternative” payments, including crypto and digital wallets.
  • Sit within the same team that handles Apple Pay and its Wallet app.

The successful applicant will take up their role as the company appears to be inching toward more widespread crypto support, noted the Financial Times.

For example, Coinbase’s listing on the Apple App Store now indicates the crypto exchange’s app will work with Apple Wallet — eventually.

And while Coinbase’s site says EU or UK Coinbase cards don’t work with Apple Pay, that functionality might not be far away if recent MacRumors are to be believed.

Apple and crypto: It’s complicated

Back in 2019, TNW reported Apple chief exec Tim Cook had told French reporters he wasn’t comfortable with currencies set up by private groups.

This seemingly shot down the idea that the company would ever launch its own crypto — or even handle most digital assets.

[Read more: Coinbase is hunting top editorial talent — for journalism or marketing?]

In fact, Apple has butted heads with Bitcoin as far back as 2013, when it started jettisoning all BTC trading apps from its App Store.

Apple did however have a change of heart. By mid-2014, the company had reversed the policy.

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