Jack Dorsey’s Square doesn’t care who created Bitcoin — just who didn’t

Jack Dorsey’s fintech Square recently hit back at legal threats over its hosting of the Bitcoin whitepaper.
Self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto Craig Wright threatened to sue Square for copyright infringement last month, alongside anyone else hosting Bitcoin’s whitepaper.
In a letter sent via Twitter DM, Wright’s lawyers gave Square two weeks to remove the whitepaper from its website or face supposed consequences.
Square’s legal team has now sent a counter letter in return.
In it, lawyers demand Wright be more specific about his claim to the Nakamoto moniker and requested draft copies of Bitcoin’s whitepaper.
Front-running Square’s defense is the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA).
Square formed COPA last September to combat so-called “patent lockup,” which the San Fran firm says hinders adoption and innovation in the crypto space.
[Read more: Craig Wright says he’ll sue over the Bitcoin whitepaper — these 108 sites don’t care]
Square’s letter gives Wright and his team two weeks to respond.