US hacking victim ‘very anxious’ for Ireland to return their stolen Bitcoin

bitcoin, ireland

Irish authorities are struggling to identify exactly who owns $2 million worth of Bitcoin stolen by SIM-swappers in 2018.

Police seized the crypto in December, reports local news Irish Independent, but have so far found just four parties with a claim to it.

  • A group of at least eight fraudsters known as The Community ran a SIM-swapping operation throughout 2018.
  • Dublin court sentenced 21-year-old Conor Freeman to three years’ prison in 2019.
  • Freeman avoided extradition to the US where he could’ve netted a 108-year sentence.

Ireland’s Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) has now requested US authorities help figure out who else is missing their Bitcoin, and reportedly expects quick and “substantive” response.

[Read more: Europol just dismantled a $100M crypto hacking crew]

Until then, CAB will keep the funds their current form (Bitcoin). The case’s presiding judge acknowledged that presents a certain level of risk — presumably a reference to its volatile price.

The lawyer representing a victim already identified said their client was “very, very anxious” for Ireland to return their Bitcoin.

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